
Working Papers



2023/9The Horizontal Distributional Impacts of Carbon Pricing and Revenue Recycling Policies. A Microsimulation Study for BelgiumDe Bevere, Audric ; Grandjean, Gilles J. 20 pages

2023/8 Unions and key players in network games with conflicts and spillovers. Mauleon, Ana ; Nanumyan, Mariam ; Schopohl, Simon ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE

2023/7 Speed of Convergence in a Malthusian World: Weak or Strong Homeostasis? Deseau, Arnaud. LIDAM Discussion Paper.

2023/6 Land Reform and Productivity: Evidence from the Dissolution of the French Monasteries. Deseau, Arnaud. LIDAM Discussion Paper.

2023/5 Matching markets with farsighted couples.Atay, Ata ; Funck, Sylvain ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE.

2023/4 Recherche sur les pistes d’emplois des jeunes dans les cinq grandes villes belges en période post-covid Onderzoek over de tewerkstellingspistes voor jongeren in de vijf grote Belgische steden gedurende de post-covid periode. Dorsimont, Arnaud ; Lienaert, Jérémy.

2023/3 Tax structure and economic growth : how can we reconcile the literature and what are the takeaway results ? Dorsimont, Arnaud. 

2023/2 R&D and Market Sharing AgreementsDollinger, Jérôme ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE.

2023/1 Local Farsightedness in Network Formation. de Callataÿ, Pierre ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. LIDAM Discussion Paper CORE.


2022/7 Recherche sur les pistes d’emplois des jeunes dans les cinq grandes villes belges en période post-covidOnderzoek over de tewerkstellingspistes voor jongeren in de vijf grote Belgische steden gedurende de post-covid periode. Dorsimont, Arnaud ;

2022/6 Limited Farsightedness in Priority-Based Matching. Atay, Ata ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent.

2022/5 School Choice with Farsighted Students. Atay, Ata ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent.

2022/4 Losing prospective entitlement to unemployment benefits. Impact on educational attainment Cockx, Bart ; Declercq, Koen ; Dejemeppe, Muriel.

2022/3 Friendship networks with farsighted agents. Luo, Chenghong ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent.

2022/2 Key players in bullying networks Atay, Ata ; Mauleon, Ana ; Schopohl, Simon ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent.

2022/1 Social Rationalizability with Mediation P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch


2021/6 Education and social cohesion. Lessons from a comparative international approach Jean-Paul Lambert

(French version : Education et cohésion sociale. Leçons d’une approche internationale comparée)

2021/5 Minimally Farsighted Unstable Networks Pierre de Callatay, Ana Mauleon,Vincent Vannetelbosch

2021/4 Should higher education be subsidized more? Koen Declercq and Erwin Ooghe

2021/3 Limited Farsightedness in R&D Network Formation Ana Mauleon, Jorge J-Sempere-Monneris, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2021/2 Horizon-K Farsightedness in Criminal Networks P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2021/1 Myopic-Farsighted Absorbing Networks Pierre de Callatay, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch


2020/9 Reconsidering the market size effect in innovation and growth Hélène Latzer, Kiminori Matsuyama and Mathieu Parenti

2020/8 Working time reduction and employment in a finite world Jean-François Fagnart, Marc Germain and Bruno van der Linden

2020/7 Do Stable Outcomes Survive in Marriage Problems with Myopic and Farsighted Players? Peter Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2020/6 Les enseignements obligatoires inégalitaires génèrent-ils des enseignements supérieurs moins démocratiques ? Jean-Paul Lambert

2020/5 L’enseignement supérieur peut-il être à la fois excellent et démocratique ? Jean-Paul Lambert

2020/4 Endogenous Institutions: a network experiment in Nepal Giulio Iacobelli, Juni Singh

2020/3 Segregation versus Assimilation in Friendship Networks with Farsighted and Myopic Agents Chenghong Luo, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2020/2 Coordination on Networks with Farsighted and Myopic Agents Ana Mauleon, Simon Schopohl, Akylai Taalaibekova, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2020/1 Coalition-Proof Stable Networks Chenghong Luo, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch


2019/5 Access to Justice and Economic Development: Evidence from an International Panel Dataset A. Deseau, A. Levai, M. Schmiegelow

2019/4 Risk management practices of central counterparties: European vs. third-country CCPs Randy Priem, Alexandre Girard

2019/3 A bargaining set for roommate problem Ata Atay, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2019/2 Distributed ledgers and financial market infrastructures Randy Priem

2019/1 Who matters in coordination problems on networks: myopic or farsighted agents?Ana Mauleon, Simon Schopohl, Akylai Taalaibekova, Vincent Vannetelbosch


2018/10 Reforming the fiscal treatment of company cars: the CoCaTax micro-simulation model. Gilles Grandjean, Christophe Speth, Tom Truyts, Fanny Vanrykel

2018/9 Preferences and strategic behavior in public goods games. Gilles Grandjean, Mathieu Lefebvre et Marco Mantovani

2018/8 Enseignement, il faut rééquilibrer les priorités en FWB. Jean-Paul Lambert

2018/7 shadow links, Manuel Foerster, Ana Mauleon, Vincent J. Vannetelbosch

2018/6 Le décret inscription : la vérité si je mens (Regards économiques n°138 – Mai 2018) Benoît Decerf, Gilles Grandjean et Tom Truyts

2018/5 R&D Network Formation with Myopic and Farsighted Firms, Ana Mauleon, Jose J. Sempere-Monerris, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2018/4 Network Formation with Myopic and Farsighted Players Chenghong Luo, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2018/3 Common Ranking and Stability of Overlapping Coalitions Ana Mauleon, Nils Roehl and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2018/2 Culture du redoublement dans l’enseignement obligatoire : dégâts collatéraux dans l’enseignement supérieur Jean-Paul Lambert

2018/1 Communication With Optional Verification Simon Schopohl


2017/5 Antidumping as a signaling device under the WTO’s ADA non-disclosure clause , Arastou Khatibi, Wouter Vergote

2017/4 Constitutions and Groups , Ana Mauleon, Nils Roehl, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2017/3 Price discrimination and dispersion under asymmetric profiling of consumers , Paul Belleflamme, Wynne Lam and Wouter Vergote

2017/2 Monopoly price discrimination and privacy: the hidden cost of hiding ,Paul Belleflamme, Wouter Vergote

2017/1 Matching with Myopic and Farsighted Agents , P. Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch



2015/6 On the purpose, legitimacy and adequacy of university entry and orientation tests, Jean-Paul Lambert

2015/5 Rationalisation de l’offre universitaire et structuration du Paysage , Jean-Paul Lambert

2015/4 Strong Sustainability, Rent and Value Added sharing , Jean-François Fagnart et Marc Germain

2015/3 One-to-one matching problems with location restrictions , Wouter Vergote

2015/2 Choix des orientations d’études et besoins de la société , Jean-Paul Lambert

2015/1 Net Energy Ratio, EROEI and the Macroeconomy , Jean-François Fagnart and Marc Germain



2013/17 The political economy of Belgium’s return to agricultural trade protectionism , T. Truyts and M. Van Dijck

2013/16 Stochastic signaling with exogenous information , T. Truyts

2013/15 Preference for redistribution and social structure , E. Schokkaert and T. Truyts

2013/14 Constitutions and social networks , A. Mauleon, N. Röhl and V. Vannetelbosch

2013/13 Allocating value among farsighted players in network formation, N. Carayol, R. Delille and V. Vannetelbosch

2013/12 The liberalization of tuition fees: a theoretical assessment , Julien Jacqmin and Xavier Wauthy

2013/11 Who are you talking with? An experiment on group play and communication , Gilles Granjean,Marco Mantovani, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/10 Cooperation, competition and market entry , Gilles Granjean, Daniela Tellone and Wouter Vergote

2013/9 A guiding framework for ecosystem services monetization in ecological economic modelling , Mateo Cordier, Bertrand Hamaide, J. Perrez-Agundez, Walter Hecq

2013/8 Soutenabilité forte, rente et partage de la valeur ajoutée , Jean-François Fagnart, Marc Germain et Alphonse Magnus

2013/7 Dominance invariant one-to-one matching problems , Ana Mauleon, Elena Molis, Vincent Vannetelbosch and Wouter Vergote

2013/6 Trust and manipulations in social networks , Manuel Forster, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/5 Allocation rules for coalitional network games , Jean-François Caulier, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/4 Relative concerns and delays in bargaining with private information , Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/3 Contractually stable alliances , Ana Mauleon, Jose Sempere-Monerris and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/2 Limited farsightedness in network formation , Georg Kirchsteiger, Marco Mantovani, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2013/1 cahier2013_1Stereotypes and typicality: their effect on relational chain, Max Bienfait, Frédéric Nils, Alain Decrop and Denis Bertinchamps


2012/12 Bargaining and delay in trading networks , Mikel Bedayo, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2012/11 The timing of contests , Gilles Grandjean and Petros Sekeris

2012/10 Distance and Proximity in nature reserve site selection with spatial spread risk heterogeneity , Bertrand Hamaide, Heidi J. Albers and Gwenlyn Busby

2012/9 Croissance et environnement: la pensée et les faits , Bertrand Hamaide, Sylvie Faucheux, Martin Nève, Martin O’Connor

2012/8 Recreational value of regional forests: the case of belgium walloon region , Vincent Colson, Philippe Lejeune, Jacques Rondeux and Bertrand Hamaide

2012/7 Platform competition and vertical differentiation, Jean Gabszewicz and Xavier Wauthy

2012/6 Economie des contenus numériques: bientôt la fin du gratuit , Paul Belleflamme et Xavier Wauthy

2012/5 Macroéconomie de court terme et politique climatique: Quelques leçons d’un modèle d’offre et demande globale, Jean-François Fagnart et Marc Germain

2012/4 An expost view of inequality of opportunity in France and its regions, Jean-François Carpantier and Christelle Sapata

2012/3 Stereotypes about service jobs. What about their valence and centrality? , Max Bienfait, Frederic Nils and Denis Bertinchamps

2012/2 Availability of Information and Representation Effects in the Centipede Game, Paolo Crosetto and Marco Mantovani

2012/1 Stereotypes about service jobs and their impact on interpersonal relationships , Max Bienfait, Alain Decrop


2011/11 Fire and Outbreaks and Pests, Oh My ! Spatially -correlated Risk in Reserve Site Selection , Gwenlin M. Busby, Heidi J. Albers, Bertrand Hamaide, Amy A. Ando and Stephen Polaski

2011/10 Who are the Worst-off when Preferences Matter? , Christelle Sapata

2011/9 Risk-sharing Stability and Farsighted Stability, Gilles Grandjean

2011/8 Stable and Efficient Coalitional Networks, Jean-Francois Caulier, Ana Mauleon, Jose Sempere-Monneris, Vincent Vannetelbosch

2011/7 La régulation des industries de réseau en Belgique, Alexandre de Streel, Axel Gautier et Xavier Wauthy

2011/6 Nesting horizontal and vertical differentiation: a note, Jean Gabszewicz and Xavier Wauthy

2011/5 Graduated Punishments in Public Good Games, Allard van der Made

2011/4 Absolutely Stable Roomate Problems, Ana Mauleon, Elena Molis, Vincent Vannetelbosch and Wouter Vergote

2011/3 Collusion in Repeated Auctions: a Simple Dynamic Mechanism, Wouter Vergote

2011/2 A Theory of Shared Governance in Higher Education, Julien Jacqmin

2011/1 Endogenous network formation in Tullock contests , Daniela Tellone and Wouter Vergote


2010/13 Species Protection From Current Reserves : Economic and Biological Considerations, Spatial Issues and Policy Evaluation, Bertrand Hamaide and Jack Sheerin

2010/12 Certified Emission Reductions Weights for Improved CDM Projects, Melissa François and Bertrand Hamaide

2010/11 Unions’ Relative Concerns and Strikes in Wage Bargaining, Ana Mauleon, Cecilia Vergari and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2010/10 Bargaining and Delay in Patent Licensing, Ana Mauleon, Cecilia Vergari and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2010/9 Myopic or Farsighted? An Experiment on Network Formation, Marco Mantovani, Georg Kirchsteiger, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2010/8 Quantitative versus qualitative growth with recyclable resource, Jean-François Fagnart and Marc Germain

2010/7 Ensuring quality provision through capacity regulation under price competition, Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy

2010/6 Competitively neutral universale service obligations, Axel Gautier and Xavier Wauthy

2010/5 Trade policy in the face of price and non-price strategies, Arastou Khatibi and Wouter Vergote

2010/4 On the measurement of Fragmentation, Jean-François Caulier

2010/3 A characterization of farsightedly stable networks, Gilles Grandjean, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2010/2 Coalition formation among farsighted agents, Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2010/1 Expermimental results on the roomate problem , Elena Molis and Róbert F. Veszteg


2009/9 Cooperative Network Games: The core and the Shapley value as link-based solutions, Jean-François Caulier

2009/8 The Stability of the Roommate Problem Revisited, E. Inarra, C. Larrea and E. Molis.

2009/7 7 strong_rational_sets03, Gilles Grandjean, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2009/6 Endogenous network formation in patent contests and its role as a barrier to entry, Marco Marinucci and Wouter Vergote

2009/5 On the Feasibility of Perpetual Growth in a Decentralized Economy Subject to Environmental Constraints, Jean-François Fagnart and Marc Germain

2009/4 Exchange of indivisible goods and indifferences : The top trading absorbing sets mechanisms, Jorge Alcade-Unzu and Elena Molis

2009/3 Connections among farsighted agents, Gilles Grandjean, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2009/2 A note on the monotonicity and superadditivity of TU cooperative games, Jean-François Caulier

2009/1 On the Nature if Price competition under Universal Service Obligations : a Note, Axel Gauthier and Xavier Wauthy


2008/9 Contractually stable networks, Jean-François Caulier, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2008/8 On the Nature of Equilibria when Bertrand meets Edgeworth on Hotelling’s Main Street , Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy

2008/7 Sleeping giants or global competitors? , Jean-Christophe Defraigne

2008/6 Endogeneous social capital in joint liability lending through mutual insurance, Wouter Vergote

2008/5 Market Integration in Network Industries, Xavier Wauthy

2008/4 Market Integration in Network Industries, Ana Mauleon, Vincent Vannetelbosch and Cecilia Vergari

2008/3 3 wauthy-googleLa Gratuité c’est le vol payant ! Google, le Web 2.0 et le modèle économique du gratuit : une industrie à réguler ?, Xavier Wauthy

2008/2 Data Games : Sharing Pulblic Goods with Exclusion, Pierre Dehez and Daniela Tellone

2008/1 Impact du passage à la T2A : une modélisation pour l’hôpital public, David Crainich, Hervé Leleu et Ana Mauleon



2006/9 Farsightedly Stable Networks Jean-Jacques Herings, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2006/8 Entry under Capacity Limitation and Vertical Differentiation: return of the Judo Economics, Xavier Wauthy and Nicolas Boccard

2006/7 Les Connaissances Linguistiques en Belgique, Jonathan Van Parys and Sven Wauters

2006/6 Université et Concurrence: Quelques Apports Théoriques Récents, Xavier Wauthy

2006/5 Networks of Free Trade Agreements among Heterogeneous Countries, Ana Mauleon, Huasheng Song and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2006/4 Hospital’s activity-based financing system and manager – physician interaction, David Crainich, Hervé Leleu and Ana Mauleon

2006/3 The Optimality of Hospital Financing System: the Role of Physician-Manager Interactions, David Crainich, Hervé Leleu and Ana Mauleon

2006/2 Multi-Agent Spiral Software Engineering: A Lakatosian Approach, Christophe Schinckus, Yves Wautelet and Manuel Kolp

2006/1 International R&D Collaboration Networks, Huasheng Song and Vincent Vannetelbosch


2005/8 Networks of Manufacturers and Retailers, Ana Mauleon, Jose Sempere-Monerris and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2005/7 Higher Education Choices, Student’s Risk Aversion and Learning-to-Learn, David Bardey, David Crainich, Louis Eeckhoudt and Xavier Wauthy

2005/6 Market Integration and Strike Activity, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2005/5 Equilibrium Payoffs in a Bertrand-Edgeworth Model with Product Differentiation, Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy

2005/4 Strategic Union Delegation and Incentives for Mergers, Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch

2005/3 Mencion de Calidad: Reducing Inefficiency in Higher Education Markets when There Are Networks Externalities, Elena Del Rey and Xavier Wauthy

2005/2 Microeconomic Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Indeterminacy, Jean-François Fagnart, Olivier Pierrard and Henri Sneessens

2005/1 Internal Capital Market Efficiency of Belgian Holding Companies, Axel Gautier and Malika Hamadi



2003/8 Information acquisition in repeated relationship, Axel Gautier and Manipushpak Mitra

2003/7 Effective number of relevant parties, Jean-François Caulier et Patrick Dumont

2003/6 Financing Infrastructure under budget constraints, Axel Gautier and Manipushpak Mitra

2003/5 Teaching versus research: a multitasking approach to multi-department universities, Axel Gautier and Xavier Wauthy

2003/4 Education, unemployment and earnings: decomposing the effect of education on earnings, Pavlina Karasiotou

2003/3 Investment in public infrastructures and tax competition between contiguous regions, Carole Dembour and Xavier Wauthy

2003/2 Competition for business location: a survey Carole Dembour

2003/1 Régulation et concurrence dans le transport collectif urbain, Susana Peralta, Xavier Wauthy and Tanguy van Ypersele


2002/6 Regulation of an open access essential facility, Axel Gautier and Manipushpak Mitra

2002/5 The benefits and costs of winner picking: Redistribution and incentives, Axel Gautier and Florian Heider

2002/4 Les aspects financiers des accords de la Saint-Boniface, Anne-Marie de Kerchove, Jean-Paul Lambert, Géraldine Vanderstichele

2002/3 Economic and Environmental Impacts of Various Climate Policy Scenarios, Bertrand Hamaide

2002/2 Quality Selection, Quotas and the Mode of Competition, Xavier Wauthy and Nicolas Boccard

2002/1 Ensuring quality provision in deregulated industry, Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy



2000/6 Bad Debts and the Cleaning of Balance Sheets: an Application to Transition Economies, Janet Mitchell

2000/5 Comorbidities in cost benefit analyses of health care, Han Bleichrodt David Crainich and Louis Eeckhoudt

2000/4 On price competition with complementary goods, Jean Gabszewicz, Nathalie Sonnac and Xavier Wauthy

2000/3 Betrand-Edgeworth competition and product differentiation: Hotelling revisited Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy

2000/2 Import Restraints and horizontal differentiation, Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy

2000/1 Import quotas foster imitation in vertically differentiated duopolies, Nicolas Boccard and Xavier Wauthy













  • Allocation Rules for Coalitional Network Games. Caulier, Jean-François ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent.  In: Mathematical Social Sciences, Vol. 78, p. 80-88 (2015).
  • Contribution : Farsightedly Stable Networks. Herings, Jean-Jacques ; Mauleon, Ana ; Vannetelbosch, Vincent. In: C. Carraro (ed.), Coalitions and Networks: 12 papers from 20 years of CTN workshops, FEEM Press, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Series,: Milano, 2015.