Renée Adams (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)- Auditorium of the National Bank of Belgium
With a view to encourage reflection and research in the field of financial economics and econometrics, the National Bank of Belgium is organising together with KU Leuven, UA, UCL, UGent, ULB, ULg, UMons, UNamur, Université Saint-Louis, Vlerick and VUB a series of seminars featuring internationally renowned speakers presenting their latest research findings, both empirical as well as theoretical, on relevant issues in the field of finance.
The objective of these seminars is twofold. On the one hand, they offer interested parties the chance to attend a presentation given by an internationally renowned scholar. On the other hand, they will give staff from the Bank and Belgian universities an opportunity to meet the speakers and draw on their expertise during their stay at the Bank.
More info : click here