– 09h00 – 09h50 Johannes Johnen (Catholic University of Louvain): « Browsing versus Studying Offers »; joint work with Paul Heidhues and Botond Kőszegi.
– 09h50 – 10h40 Vincent Vannetelbosch (Catholic University of Louvain): « R&D Network Formation with Myopic and Farsighted Firms”; joint work with Ana Mauleon and Jose Sempere-Monerris.
– 11h00 – 11h50 Hodaya Lampert (Ben-Gurion University): « Patent and Pool in Pyramidal innovation structures ».
– 11h50 – 12h40 Simon Schopohl (Saint-Louis Brussels University): “Competition for leadership in teams”; joint work with Ana Mauleon and Vincent Vannetelbosch.