– 09h00 – 09h50 : « The role of markets and preferences on resource conflicts », Pétros Sékeris (Université de Montpellier), joint work with A. Dickson (Strathclyde) and I. MacKenzie (U. of Queensland).
– 09h50 – 10h40 : « Deprivation measures combining economic outcomes and mortality: theory and global evidence », Benoît Decerf (Université de Namur), joint work with Jean-Marie Baland and Guilhem Cassan.
– 11h00 – 11h50 : « How do trade and communication costs shape the spatial organization of firms? », Jacques Thisse (UCL), joint work with Toshitaka Gokan, Sergey Kichko.
– 11h50 – 12h40 : « Temporal consumption patterns: A Revealed Preference Analysis. », Tom Pottoms (ULB), joint work with Sam Cosaert (LISER).