We’re happy to share that we have received ERDF (EFRO-FEDER) funding for our beamm.brussels project. The European Regional Development Fund – ERDF – is one of the main instruments of the European Union’s regional cohesion policy, which aims to ensure balanced, sustainable development based on solidarity throughout the 27 member states of the European Union.

The Brussels-Capital Region contributes to this financial tool for investment and solidarity in order to improve the day-to-day well-being of the people of Brussels.


The Beamm.brussels project is part of the ERDF 2021-2027 program. It aims to put the results of CAPE’s research in public economics at the service of the Region by proposing an online, open-access micro-simulation platform. It contributes to the digitization of the Region’s services and to the implementation of evidence-based public policies with a particular focus on tax justice issues. Beamms.brussels thus contributes to regional development and the achievement of objectives set at both European and Brussels levels.